Cathcart Advisors Inc. is a financial analysis and regulatory consulting and advisory firm that strives to provide independent and exceptional advisory services to government agencies and public utilities regulatory tribunals in the areas of electricity, natural gas and automobile insurance rate setting. In addition, CAI provides economic impact analysis and business valuation services to private enterprises.





The principal of Cathcart Advisors Inc, Roger Cathcart is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years experience in public practice and is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants Institute of Ontario and Manitoba and a Charted Business Valuator (CBV).


Mr. Cathcart acts as senior accounting and regulatory advisor for the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba, and is responsible for the preparation of financial analysis, briefings and reports related to the Board’s review of franchise applications, rate base, and rate of return applications, cost of service applications and rate change applications for Manitoba Public Insurance, Manitoba Hydro and Centra Gas Manitoba Inc, along with other utilities under the Board’s jurisdiction.


For the Public Utilities Board, Roger assisted in the financial, economic and socio-economic evaluation of the The Needs for and Alternatives to the Development of the Keeyask and Conawapa Generating Stations, which contemplated over $20 billion of new Hydro-electric Generation and Transmission Investments by Manitoba Hydro. Roger also assisted in the evaluation of the development of the competitive gas market in Manitoba reviewing the Role of the Local Distribution Company as well as special hearings for the establishment of rates for payday loans in the Province. Roger Cathcart was recently involved in a detailed review of the Cost of Service for Manitoba Hydro as well as the 2019/20 Manitoba Hydro Electric Rate Application.

Roger Cathcart



Kevin Yang joined Cathcart Advisors Inc. in January 2020 as an accounting and regulatory consultant. Kevin obtained his Chartered Professional Accountant designation in 2015. He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba. Kevin most recently worked with one of the Big Four accounting firm.


In his position Kevin works with a multidisciplinary group of professionals and is responsible for the preparation of financial analysis briefings formal presentations and other written reports related to the evaluation of financial information for regulatory rate filings. Kevin also assists in the preparation of business valuations and economic impact analysis.

Kevin Yang



More information about our services and expertise can be found on this web site. For more information, please feel free to contact us.


Tel: (204) 488 8444